lundi 28 mars 2011

Mont Ventoux... quand il porte pas son chapeau!

Le Mont Ventoux

Mont Ventoux is the name of the mountain located near where I live, and is known for its participation in the Tour de France during the summer.  It’s right at the very end of the Alps- you can see where they go from there!  Unfortunately, they close the very top during the ‘winter’ (for you Wisconsinites, winter here is nothing like what we’re used to… zero snow, zero ice, lack of cold… at the base of the mountain anyway) due to snow and ice at the top of the mountain.  Usually it re-opens in mmid-April, and I’m hoping to make it to the top before I leave France!  My French petit ami, Michel, (who is 70 and already married and hence not actually my boyfriend) decided to take me up just as far as we could go, and even tried to illegally open up the gate so that we could continue to the top since it looked like the road was clear, but wasn’t successful.  Isn’t it gorgeous?!  One really cute saying is that when there are clouds and you can’t see the top of the mountain, the locals say that Mont Ventoux is “wearing its hat” (il porte son chapeau) :)  
Me at the 'top'- first snowball in France :)
Michel trying to jimmy the gate for me

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